Why Should You Buy or Print Images?

March 14, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

When is the last time you ordered a printed image, not just the digital file so you can print it yourself? We aren't talking just from us. Now you've ordered all these digital images or you've taken countless pictures and thought oh I'll get that printed. But let's be honest you probably haven't printed them. We're the same way. We get it life happens and getting your pictures printed takes the back burner.


Did you notice that both Facebook and Instagram went down yesterday. Maybe you weren't seeing posts or you weren't able to post. We certainly noticed a decrease in how all of you were interacting with us on both platforms. Be honest how many of you use social media to  "store" your pictures that you take. Thinking that you'll always have access to them? As yesterday proved that's not always the case. Since we DO NOT own social media we have no control. We're simply borrowing a service. A great service that can connect us in so many ways and help us stay in touch with friends that we no longer live near. At any time social media and web based platforms can go down temporarily or permanently without notice. Then what? How will you access your precious memories then?

Have you ever had your computer or cellphone go on the fritz? It's not fun. Sometimes when that happens the data you had on it is unrecoverable. Suddenly all those pictures you kept meaning to print but never did are gone and you can't ever get them back. While we back everything up to multiple places we could still lose them on one or god forbid all of them. 


Once you print an image whether it's small in an album or large and hanging on your wall, you can see that memory whenever you want. You don't have to worry about if or when that social media platform will go down or worse still  disappear completely. You don't have worry about your computer going down. Wouldn't you rather get it printed instead of regretting waiting?




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